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mutton chop 羊排;羊肉片; 〔pl.〕 上細下圓的絡腮胡子。

mutton fist

The sun shone into the bare room , which still smelled of a mutton chop , done in a dutch oven before the fire , because the dutch oven still stood on the fender , with the black potato - saucepan on a piece of paper , beside it on the white hearth 陽光照了進去,房子里還帶著羊排煎過后的味道。煎煮東西用的爐子還在防火架上。旁邊,那白色的地上。

Grilled mutton chop 鐵扒羊排

Fried mutton chop with vegetables 蔬菜炸羊排